Our letter on the pyramides of Egypt to all documentary creators

We are spiritual researchers from Brazil.

We have been watching several spectacular documentaries of the highest level about the people of antiquity, who left for posterity vast historical record of their technology and knowledge. And we noted in these films explanations and assumptions based only on observable material facts, including extraterrestrial beings participating in those events.

Without pretension, we would like to cooperate by forwarding some clarification collected behind the scenes of physical life, i.e., through the spiritual life, that transcends the known existence observed only by our 5 senses.

Both the Hindu and the Brazilian people, being very spiritualized, have available a lot of information that could help in the clarification of the unfilled gaps we noted in the explanations of those great scientists and researchers, who were part of those documentaries.

Although Erich Von Daniken’s book “Chariots of the Gods” was a huge step in the appreciation of the records of antiquity, we now have more information obtained by spiritual means. For example, we now know who were the builders of the pyramids and megalithic monuments, how they did it and why they did it. As well as about the so called “aliens” that arrived then, and still arrive on Earth as on other planets, brought by migration of souls passing through various planetary schools of the Universe.

Obviously the texts we collected for many years are in Portuguese – see, for example, the website of Christic Universalism, http://universalismocristico.com.br/, where Hermes Trismegistus answers numerous questions, as well as Galileo, Pythagoras, Akhenaten, Atlas, among others, clarifying and filling historical gaps in this current civilization.

We would like to participate, without pretension, as we said, to disclose more comprehensive explanations from the builders of the pyramids themselves, for example, and change the understanding profile of the new population that is reincarnating on Earth, which is more cultured and accelerated than ours, preparing the coming New Age.

We translated just one chapter of a book (“Akhenaten – Spiritual Revolution of Ancient Egypt”) – see below -, to which we ask your attention and understanding, as we believe it will bring unsuspected evidence on the subject we were talking about.

Norberto Augusto, engineer and spiritual lecturer
Roger Bottini Paranhos, psychic writer

Curious note: the movie Star Wars brings implicit occurrences experienced by George Lucas himself in ancient Atlantis, as he had been an emigrant from Chapel star for over 12,000 years.

Words of Hermes

Dear Readers,

We began with these words one more work of spiritual enlightenment in our humanity. Looking to comply with the stipulations of the spiritual director of Earth – Jesus – we will travel back in time to the dawn of history known by our humanity, in which we will seek to clarify the evolution project of our planet after the latest geographical changes that occurred in the world, at the end of the period known as the last Ice Age.

The planet Earth has more than four billion five hundred million years, and much of this period it was inhabited by the most heterogeneous groups of evolving spirits of the endless schools of God, i.e., the worlds in the Universe.

In the remote past, which preceded the Age of Dinosaurs, lived on Earth since primary people on the evolutionary scale to advanced civilizations, both in the spiritual and material dimensions, all seeking the light that allows progress towards happiness and peace.

Across the Universe, the walk from animality to angelicality proceeds according to the need and the profile of every child of God.

In this context, Earth has provided throughout its history great opportunities for learning appropriate to the immortal spirit in its evolutionary trajectory. This work we propose will begin in the legendary Atlantis, twelve thousand years ago, exactly one hundred years after the submergence of the Big Island of Poseidon, a time which marked the beginning of one more period of planetary transition, as well as the one we currently live. In one chapter we will tell the events of the last hundred years of the history of the Atlantic continent. We will try to elucidate to the modern men the reasons why Earth’s High Spirituality sought to promote the end of an advanced civilization, which had held deep scientific knowledge and advanced technologies based on clean energy power for the automation of production processes.

After the description of this period, we will follow Radames in the second part of this work, which is the focus of our project and it aims to narrate the events that occurred during the eighteenth Egyptian dynasty in the fourteenth century BC, during the reign of pharaoh Akhenaten, who was one of the high priests of the Sun Temple in Ancient Atlantis.


Thus, we see that the ideals we embrace are nothing more than our ancient spiritual profile and that our features, beliefs and desires are part of a past that shapes our character and leads us from darkness to light or vice-versa, according to the impulses that we embrace in our evolutionary journey. Radames, under our guidance, redeem the “missing link” in the city of Akhetaten – the heavenly city – to where converged great sages of antiquity in order to promote the spiritual and technological development that would have led the earthly humanity to a stage similar to the current one, already in the Age of Jesus.

Some historians entitle the pharaoh Akhenaton as “the hippie pharaoh” because of the abandonment of the traditional capital of Egypt (Thebes) and the foundation of the heavenly city, the center of devotion to the god Aton, breaking the most sacred traditions of the Egyptian people.

Actually, Akhetaten was much more than a city that worshiped sunlight; this was a great philosophical, spiritual and scientific center that, if the Egyptian people had understood it, would have transformed the Nile Valley into a great nation. Yet we will tell the events that followed one another to the death of Akhenaten and the ascent to the throne of his son Tutankhamun, who died at the age of nineteen, definitively ending the chance of Egypt to be the spiritual barn of the Old Age. Tutankhamun and his father should be known to posterity by the spiritual legacy they contributed to humanity, but their names were erased from history so they never have eternal life, according to Egyptian belief.

Spirits blackened by hate and ignorance promoted the overthrow of the Great Project, which would take place only with the spiritual growth of the Egyptian people, which did not occur. Today Tutankhamun is not known for its spiritual contribution to humanity, which was aborted, but being the most impressive archaeological discovery in the history of mankind today, feat accomplished by Egyptologist Howard Carter in 1922. We hope to contribute not only to the history, clarifying obscure points of interpretation in a remote epoch (remote to the material plane but recent in the eyes of immortal life) but also bring to men the spiritual light of that sublime time when it was tried to deploy the monotheistic belief of god Aten in ancient Egypt, preparing the arrival of the Divine Messiah, who would definitely transform the spiritual landscape of Earth.

That Jesus – the Great Master who sent in mission to the physical plane Akhenaton, Moses, Buddha, Krishna, Zoroaster and many other missionaries to prepare his path – bless us in this attempt to support mankind in understand the Great Divine Plans of Earth’s Planetary Evolution.
Peace and Light!

Hermes Trismegistus
January 2001


To talk of Atlantis in a single chapter is to describe the Divine Creation by limited human language.

We will therefore make just a few clarifications necessary for the reader to understand the Egyptian people, direct heir of the Atlanteans. Who knows in the future we will not have the opportunity to perform a unique job, telling the story of the fantastic inhabitants of the island of Poseidon?

Atlantis was not just one island but a territory of continental dimensions as reported by the philosopher Plato in the dialogues of Timaeus and Critias. It covered almost the entire Atlantic Ocean, extending from the coast of Florida to the Canary Islands, Azores and Madeira.

Their culture was very advanced, and in many ways surpassed the current people with ease. Nations are only cradles for the reincarnation of spiritual groups. In Atlantis reincarnated, for centuries, only spirits with a stage similar to that which the current humanity will reach from the second century of the third millennium. The major differentiating factor of the Atlantean people in relation to humanity today was their vision free of paradigms.

The Atlanteans saw the invisible plane and were not slaves of materialism as the current people, reason why the inhabitants of the island of Poseidon developed admirably paranormal faculties, that allowed them a direct link to other dimensional realities such as the spirit world – the Greater Fatherland. This comprehensive view allowed the Atlantean people to develop an energy technology that became known as the “Vril”. This energy was unleashed through the invisible elements of nature and allowed a major advance in the means of production, providing comfort to the people and a high standard of living.

The “Vril” was a dynamic energy that could be presented in many ways. One of its most common forms of manifestation was through the “gravity axis inversion” of material elements. From an energy induction was possible to lift heavy blocks of stone monoliths as if they were cotton – technology that allowed the construction of large buildings without the use of heavy machinery. It was only necessary to conduct the colossal stones at appropriate locations after being polished by advanced technology. The early Egyptians, who still partly dominated the “vril”, built the pyramids and the Sphinx of Giza using this technology. Only the “Vril” could lift monoliths with two tons of weight without the use of pulleys and cranes. Other descendants of the Atlantean people, like the inhabitants of Easter Island and the Sumerians, also used that energy to lift their fantastic buildings and monuments. The Egyptian people, the Mayans, Aztecs and other peoples of antiquity received the direct influence of the Atlanteans after the sinking of the “Big Island”.

Several boats left Atlantis before the Great Judgment, carrying people to live in other lands, and their culture mixed with the culture of primitive people of the rest of the globe. This fact provided a major boost in technological development, which impresses even today historians. The Egyptians are a great example! Until the fifth dynasty they possessed a considerable advancement. Unlike the natural order of evolution, they were born “great” and then enter into frank decay. Even the early Egyptians were monotheistic and over the centuries declined to belief in many gods. We note here the profile of the Chapellines (1) who promoted pagan belief among the Greeks, the Egyptians and then the Romans.

(1) Chapellines – Title attributed to spirits exiled to Earth from the Chapel System, in the Auriga constellation. Fact occurred after the sinking of Atlantis in the period corresponding to the onset of the current evolutionary cycle and ending with the advent of the New Age, already in the first decades of the third millennium.

Another example of the Atlantean presence in the rest of the world is the pyramids construction by nearly all ancient peoples of the planet. Egypt had the most impressive demonstrations of this culture. Atlantis was a continent filled with those “energy catalysts” that were built with the finest stones from granite to the black basalt. In the capital, Poseidon, there was the “Great Pyramid” which was four times bigger than the pyramid of Cheops in Egypt, and was composed of blocks of white crystal, which were later merged, becoming one piece size. This great pyramid, today submerged in the depths of the ocean, is located exactly in the region known as the “Bermuda Triangle”, generating a kind of magneto-spiritual energy that triggers the already known phenomena and the change in routine readings of navigational instruments.

The Atlanteans also dominated the information technology through quartz crystals handled by the “Vril” energy. The advancement in computer science was such that they built information centers similar to the spiritual plane Akashic records, which is stored in picture and sound throughout the life pulse in the cosmos. The Atlantean people had records of all the events of their civilization and such information was used to avoid useless work, because they considered unforgivable the waste of energy – “to create the already created”. So this was an integrated information system that benefited all mainland cities. Another point that fascinated Atlantean scientists was the full automation of production processes, but not for the purpose of promoting social exclusion, generating unemployment, as in the present times. The aim was to release man from routine tasks so that he could be devoted to the process of creation and spiritual progress.

The “Vril” energy also allowed the creation of non-polluting vehicles. By inverting the gravitational axis the cars could be driven without wheels, floating four inches from the ground. The movement in all directions and the difference in speed were controlled by changes in the tilt of this axis.

Perhaps in the eyes of the narrow-minded people these informations are mere fiction, but we can not omit the truth before the coming New Age. The incarnated persons in the face of the planet need to be clarified in order to adapt to the changes that the future will require. In Atlantis, spiritual issues were closely linked to science and other areas of human knowledge. It was impossible to talk about any subject without involving the primary cause of life, which is the spiritual reality.

My name in that incarnation, a hundred years before the sinking of “Big Island”, was Artemis. I was a young priest of the “Great Energy”. This was one of the ways we called the “Vril”.

That afternoon, all the priests of the “Great Energy” had been called because of a tragedy in Poseidon. Indeed unimaginable back then! A sixteen year old teenager had caused the death of two people, intentionally, through the evil manipulation of the “Great Energy”.

The last record of murder in Atlantis was very old, and could only be remembered by consulting the Akashic records.

All were shocked by what had happened and wondered what would have triggered the situation.

I ran with rapid steps the granite sidewalks that were lined with extensive lawn and lush vegetation. The distance was relatively short between the Great Energy Temple and the “Great Pyramid”, where I was. Amid the way I met the friend and fellow priest, master Nasser. He was so pale and impressed as I was. Without losing a single second we went to the temple.

When we arrived there, we found a large number of priests of various temples of Atlantis gathered. All discussed the tragedy, which to modern times is nothing more than mere routine, but for the Atlantean civilization this was serious event because the reincarnated spirits had already overcome the evolutionary stage where men disrespect the lives of their fellow.

The population of the continent was not little. Lived in Atlantis, in that period, more than sixty million inhabitants and harmony was common even on the face of the diversity of opinions. Back then we were young. I was nineteen and Nasser twenty two. The Atlantean citizen easily reached the hundred and thirty years of life through their balanced existence, free from the vices, and the high quality of life. The continent was free of pollution and possessed a controlled jungle where wild animals lived in areas faraway from major population centers. Moreover, medicine was very advanced and the inhabitants had no karma to be rescued by degenerative diseases.

Eager as only young people are we rushed into the meeting to speak to the great sages and get more information. They told us that a boy had developed a technique for using the “Vril” energy that allowed to kill people at distance, by asphyxia. After quarreling with his fellow students, he ended up committing that absurd crime to test his invention and then was arrested to a “mental isolation chamber” because he could mentally command the “Vril” energy and re-commit new crimes to try to free himself.

Nasser and I were shocked. We had never thought about the use of the powerful energy to do evil and even more by an almost uncontrollably manner if the boy was not confined to isolation.

We all sat in the auditorium and we await the pronouncement of the high priest of the temple. He then went to the great altar and blurted:

– What to say, my brethren? I’m so dumbfounded as everyone here! Understanding my inability to solve this problem, I prayed to the “Great Spirit” and asked him to guide us in finding a solution that would bring peace to our society.

The great leader of the priests stood up and uncovered a transparent crystal screen that was in the back of the altar. Then all of us focused on prayer, asking the presence of spiritual mentors to come enlighten us.

After a few minutes, the screen became opaque and a beautiful landscape background emerged: a waterfall in a pond adorned with beautiful flowers and lush vegetation. That liquid crystal screen was an intercom between two planes: the material and the spiritual.

Then in the crystal screen appeared the “Great Spirit”, that later would become known by Jesus of Nazareth.

He smiled and said with bitter in his voice:

– May the light of the Higher Planes involve all the brothers! I received your call and I’m here to enlighten you about the event afflicting this assembly of brothers dedicated to the pursuit of the good.

As you all know, the worlds are evolutionary schools for the growth of God’s children. Atlantis reached above the programmed threshold for our planet Earth. Fair it is for the brothers approved for a superior experience to migrate to a world of higher grade than Earth in all fields of development.

And following the guidance of the Great Creator it is already being done the migration of rebellious spirits exiled from the Chapel System, in the Auriga constellation, to Earth, for they need to be apart of the evolution process of that world so they do not harm those who wish to progress accordant to the evolution process traced in that divine school.

Therefore, the exiled from Chapel are already in your amidst reincarnating systematically, beginning the process of Planetary Transition which allows the insertion or removal of new communities in the various worlds of the Universe. In a hundred-year period, these brothers of inferior evolutionary stage will gradually reincarnate on Earth, as the current inhabitants of Atlantis ascend to a higher world after the freedom from physical matter. This transformation will change the scenario of Atlantis, causing a decay in the spiritual level of its inhabitants. We hope that these rebellious brothers adapt to the new orb without causing harm or uncontrollable disagreements. The case that afflicts you is the first sign of many that will arise as a result of the Chapellines spiritual immaturity. We hope to control the situation and keep Atlantis in its present stage of technological advancement. Otherwise, it will be necessary to destroy the continent so the Chapel exiled spirits will reincarnate among the barbarian peoples of the rest of the world, where technology and advancement have not yet been achieved. The inhabitants of Atlantis are already in a stage above Earth’s experiences, but I count on your collaboration, my brothers, to educate the rebels and show them the way of love, the main source of spiritual edification to achieve the evolution to God. So I ask you that this last incarnation of yours on Earth be devoted to the spiritual assistance to the Chapellines brothers. Bear with love and patience the “spiritual children” that the Father sends you to educate! I hope I have enlightened you, my brothers.

Remain in God’s light!

At that moment, the screen went back to being crystal clear, while we all exchanged ideas on the information received. Nasser and I found other friends who were participants of the Sun Temple: Atonis and Criste. Since that time they were already inseparable. We warmly debated but Atonis believed it was not necessary to worry about, because Chapellines would certainly fit well and live in harmony in that paradise which was our continent.

But I did not think like that. Then I said:

– Atonis, if they have not changed their-selves in their own world, why should they do it in ours?

– I do not know, Artemis! I think I trust too much in people. I sincerely believe in the modification towards the light!

– I also think this way; but only after a series of incarnations and not so abruptly! – I replied.

If we would imagine that in current times, twelve thousand years later, men would still be killing each other, promoting stupid wars and living in full spiritual delay, I think everybody would be shocked at the lack of perseverance in the good, regarding the brothers who joined in the evolution plan of Earth in those days.

After debating for some time, we realized that Nasser was silent, meditative. We called his attention to our conversation and he turned to us and, with his hand stroking his beard, said:
– Brothers, all theses are correct and possible, but we must consider the possibility of the Chapellines not fitting in Atlantis. If this occurs, all the knowledge and advancement of our civilization will be lost because the continent will have to be destroyed! To prevent this tragedy, we could bring to other lands a basic knowledge, inoffensive, to civilize the rest of the planet and thus promote the advancement of Chapellines elsewhere, if it is confirmed the destruction of Atlantis and its legacy of love and wisdom.

We all agreed with the words of Nasser. Then Criste said:

– In a hundred years we will be in old age and we can not take this fantastic journey. We will certainly have a few more years of life and we can not be truly useful, and we can not even breed in the new lands. Nasser walked from one side to the other, meditative, and said:

– You’re right, Criste! This trip is not for us but for the disciples we must steer. It will be the good natured Chapellines who we will instruct and bring them the light of the basic knowledge of our civilization. Even if they rebel they do not possess such an advanced knowledge that could undermine the new lands where they will live. Atonis smiled and said with his gentle and friendly style:

– I agree with the idea, although I think the escape by sea to other regions is not required. But what is the thought of the Higher Planes about this idea? Do they wish the Atlantean knowledge go to primitive lands?

At that moment, a crystalline light shone in our midst, then a spirit full of light materialized and said:

– Divine inspiration is in your hearts. This is the will of the Higher Planes! Initiate the pure hearted apprentices! But all within the limits allowed so that they do not affect the rest of the globe. The “Vril” energy, element of discord between primary souls, should be known only in its simplest application. We will be united with your project and working hard for it to be accomplished!

Soon after, the spirit of light dematerialized before our eyes. We were not surprised because these spiritual apparitions were common in Atlantis’ pre-apocalyptic period. Nasser lowered his head and concluded:

– If the spirits responsible for the evolution of Earth will be with us in this way it is because the chance of success of the Chapellines in Atlantis is really remote. Atonis looked at Nasser and agreed in a bitter gesture.

The years passed and gradually the spiritual climate in Atlantis began to turn.

The crime rate grew daily. The Atlantean scientists had to develop techniques to stop the indiscriminate use of the powerful “Vril” energy. The love and spirit of brotherhood were forgotten and replaced by pride, selfishness and vanity. We worked tirelessly to select disciples, some rejoiced us, others disappointed us very much too. My heart was hurt mainly by the disappointment of Atonis, which was extremely shaken by the ingratitude and wickedness that sprouted in the soul of the youth already in early childhood. We were not used to that low spiritual standard, which we never had seen in our existence till then. What cheered us was that many brothers embraced our cause and worked quietly for our ideal. Obviously this was just a House of Knowledge and not an academy of elected persons to inhabit other lands. We could not reveal the real reason of our teachings in the Temple. Year after year the situation was worsening. In the middle of the fiftieth year of the Planetary Transition, Atonis himself stated with conviction:

– I believe there is no hope for Atlantis! The continent should be terminated so that the new inhabitants of our land do not destroy the planet and do not affect the evolution program outlined by the “Great Spirit”.

In that day happened the first rape case followed by death in Atlantis, and there was already evidence of wars between cities that became rivals for wanting to dominate the southern region of the continent.

The belief in one God had been abandoned by the pagan belief of worshiping many gods, some human-like, others animal-like. Legends and mythological figures were created for pagan worship. These transformations were so strong in the new profile of the people of Atlantis, that such beliefs took root among the Greeks and Egyptians who received the migration of some Atlanteans before the submergence of “Big Island”. Including capital Poseidon suffered a personification and became a deity among the new inhabitants of Atlantis. Gradually, the police, created to contain the excesses, became corrupt and little could be done to contain the unbalanced mass of Atlantis Chapellines that dominated it almost completely. The priests of the “Great Energy ” were killed for not revealing the secret of “Vril” energy and for the blockade done to the rebels so they could not use that powerful technology. The peaceful inhabitants dedicated to their work, art and high level reading were being replaced by insensitive creatures with an extremely sensual and vulgar taste for arts and music, which proved us, before our eyes, that man is not the body but the spirit that inhabits and directs the physical machine. In just one century an entire civilization had become as if everyone had been possessed by evil forces.

Fortunately, in the final twenty years arose good-natured young people among the Chapellines. The High Spirituality had selected the most worthy to reincarnate at the end of the transitional period and thus meet our purposes.

– It is not all lost! – Atonis thanked God with his arms skyward and his eyes filled with tears.

In the following years, we had to abandon the Temple and take refuge in the forest to avoid being killed by factions who wanted to dominate the “Vril”. There we built boats and guided trusted disciples about the migration project towards other lands. All young people were impressed with the fate of Atlantis, but did not disbelieve it. They worked hard to build the boats and to get moral education necessary for their mission. With five years to the sinking of Atlantis, the men began to research genetic mutation and cloning of beings, seeking to use them as mere droids and send them to other continents in order to enslave the primitive peoples of the planet. During this period, the “Vril” energy blockade was broken and it began to be used irresponsibly by warring factions, causing serious damage to nature and to the civilian population. Big explosions could be heard and earthquakes could be felt due to wars between regions. The two races that lived in Atlantis, and that always respected and loved each other, became enemies because of racial discrimination that still prevails to this day, due to the low spiritual level of earthly humanity.

[Currently, Earth is experiencing a reverse process. Instead of a cultural and moral decay it will be processed a breakthrough in all areas due to a systematic reincarnation of spirits elected by their merit obtained in previous incarnations and the subsequent exile to a lower world of those who rebelled against the moral code brought into the world by the envoys of Christ. The reader can obtain clarifying information in the book A História de um Anjo, Roger Bottini Paranhos, EDITORA DO CONHECIMENTO.]

We were old and tired. Master Nasser walked with difficulty. Life in the jungle had worn our bodies, already very aged. At the time of the great catastrophe, we were approximately one hundred and twenty years. Many of the ancient Atlanteans who embraced the project had already disembodied as a result of wildlife hostile climate. Thanks to elected young people, who fought for the day by the day food and built ships, it was possible to succeed in the “Great Project”. The guiding spirits of the planet have informed us that the time to embark on to new lands would occur when a red star arose in heaven.

Three months before the disaster we saw the scarlet spot on the celestial vault. We rushed the youth to gather the supplies they should bring on the trip. Soon, the twelve big boats were crowded with fifty passengers each. The youngsters, demonstrating their affection for us, insisted that we went with them. Nasser then replied:

– My children, here ends our task and starts yours! We are old and should go to the Greater Fatherland. Keep your heart in peace because we will always be connected to you, working for the success of this mission. The young people, very emotional, embraced Criste. They called her “The Great Mother”, and she loved it! With her hair white as snow, the light of her loving spirit shone over all the boys and girls. It was difficult to convince them to leave us alone in the jungle. We were old but were not going to die before seeing the great end of Atlantis.

Gradually, the ships were disappearing after the waves toward the horizon. From far away, embraced, we saw the nods and the love radiations that our kids drove at us in a mix of beautiful colors. Criste, with eyes moist with emotion, told us:

– We fulfilled our task well!

– We have chosen well the kids, they will be spotlights in the New World and will bring a big boost in the new civilizations that will be formed on Earth.

I passed my hand through Criste’s hair and said:

– Yes, we fulfilled our task! Now we just have to wait the Divine Will and follow our destiny towards the new planet, where our brothers already live on.

Atonis then told us, with a twinkle in his eye:

– No, my mission is not finished yet! I’ll stay on Earth and I will help the Chapellines to evolve. I will ask the “Great Spirit” to continue working on this planet for the sake of our brothers who started here in Atlantis their cycle of incarnations on Earth.

We all looked in silence. Atonis kept his face serene and illuminated by a radiant golden energy, as beautiful as the sun. He was right! We were much engaged in the evolution of Chapellines to leave Earth. The evil that they practiced did not cause us revolt, but pity. We wanted to free them from evil, which is exclusively the son of spiritual ignorance. And so we stayed with the workers of Christ on Earth.

We worked for many centuries, both in the spiritual and material realms, until we reincarnated together in the eighteenth Egyptian dynasty, in order to prepare the people of the land of Kemi for the coming of the Messiah, the “Great Spirit”. I, Artemis, reincarnated as Ramosis, the high priest of the Temple of Osiris. Nasser came as high priest of Heliopolis, Meri-Ra. Criste reincarnated as queen Nefertiti and Atonis as Akhenaten, the pharaoh of the Only God.

[Artemis (female) reborn afterward as Hermes Trismegistus, and Nasser as Ramatys.]

After the departure of the kids, we returned to the capital Poseidon in the center of the continent. Using the “Vril” energy, we moved with ease. We awaited the three months remaining before the end of Atlantis watching all sorts of excesses on the part of the population. Surely the capital was the city most affected by the lower vibrations. We had already been forgotten and were treated as insignificant beggars. Meanwhile, the red star in the firmament grew. The people was marveled with the beauty of the new star in the sky. Scientists, typical Chapelline profile, said they were themselves the masters of the comet orbit and they identified it as harmless to the planet, but actually they were just speculating based on their limited perspective, like nowadays. A month before the apocalypse, one of the Atlantean races won the war and enslaved the losing race. We fled then to the peak of a mountain on the outskirts of Poseidon and we stayed sheltered there, while the comet was rapidly approaching toward Earth.

The heat emanating from the red star stimulated the lower vibrations of the people, which paralyzed production activities and initiated a celebration in praise of the war victory that lasted four weeks. The defeated were used to serve every whim of the winners. Drinks and drugs were consumed on a large scale in the last weeks of Atlantis.

Five days before the impact, few people realized that the comet would collide with Earth. There was a widespread hysteria and the people began to flee from the great capital of Atlantis. But wherever they went, it seemed that the comet persecuted them. The wealthier and powerful citizens fled to the coast and joined in large boats trying to escape the disaster. Finally the comet entered Earth’s atmosphere, causing a loud bang, louder than a thousand thunders.

People screamed desperate not knowing where to flee and they ran aimlessly, trampling each other. On the contrary of what was thought, the big sky stone fell thousands of miles from the capital. The impact was so strong that divided the continent into three parts. Atlantis broke away from what we know today as the Canaries, the Azores and Madeira and divided itself in half where the comet hit. The inhabitants of the metropolis had barely felt relieved when began a series of earthquakes that toppled larger buildings, burying many people. The panic was general and there was nowhere to run. With the impact of the comet, Earth’s axis, vertical before, leaned from the Sun; a change that caused the impression that all the stars of heaven were falling upon Earth, exacerbating the desperate situation of the people already living in a hell, intensified by the hallucinogenic effect of drinks and drugs. Soon started fires throughout the continent and a volcanic eruption suddenly appeared two miles from the “Great Pyramid”.

For all directions were volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. The lava invaded urban precincts destroying what the earthquakes had not yet ruined.

Seven hours later, at dawn, when everything seemed finished, huge waves of the Atlantic Ocean came on all sides of the capital. The feeling was that the sea was invading Atlantis. But, in fact, was the “Big Island” that began to sink to the ocean floor due to the accommodation of tectonic plates, which have lost their support during the eruption of magma from volcanoes. Within minutes the waves reached all the Great Atlantis and the continent fell silent. We were embraced at the peak of the mountain and in deep prayer awaiting our fate. Minutes before the end, Heaven’s angels full of light came in and disconnected us from the physical body, saying:

– There is no injustice in God’s work. You do not possess karma, so you should suffer nothing on the land that you loved so much!

Our spirits levitated as our bodies fell lifeless to the ground.

Soon, the sea swallowed the land and we could see boats trying to flee at the last minute being also swallowed by the waves that inundated Atlantis. A whirlpool was formed and all the vessels went down along with the “Big Island” to the seabed. We thanked God for our pupils have gone for months, otherwise they would not have escaped the overwhelming forces of nature.

The enlightened spirits that assisted us, perceiving our thoughts, led us through the immensity of the ocean until we reached the boats of our pupils, who ventured through an unknown course.

They were impressed by the explosions and the glowing light that came from Atlantis, hundreds of miles away from the place where they were. The sky became dark, covered by the eruptions ash.

For long weeks the sunlight could not be seen! The sea became rebellious and the boats began to separate, driven by the force of the waves after the big cataclysm.

Some were guided by divine hands to the Americas, some to Asia and others to the Nile Valley.

That day, Earth entered a new cycle of spiritual evolution. Another one in hundreds that it already lived!